
死亡之柱2寻宝游戏活动奖励 死亡之柱2如何免费领取DLC




这个活动应该发布有一段时间了,可以在至今以来的宣传活动比如众筹公示、发送的邮件、You Tube宣传视频等内容里找到神秘代码,在亡焰寻宝中输入






死亡之柱2寻宝游戏活动奖励 死亡之柱2如何免费领取DLC

死亡之柱2寻宝游戏活动奖励 死亡之柱2如何免费领取DLC


The following console commands have been found in print magazines to grant the player some other fancy pets. After the game releases, open the console with the ~ key and enter any of the following commands:

COSMIC DOG - Cosmic Dog Pet (PC Gamer UK, March 2018)

COSMIC BIRD - Cosmic Bird Pet (GameStar, March 2018)

如果你有买过《PC Gamer》英国版2018年三月刊或者《GameStar》2018年三月刊的纸质杂志,可以在杂志中找到一些神奇的控制台命令


输入“COSMIC DOG” 可以得到幽灵狗宠物(PC Gamer刊登)

输入“COSMIC BIRD” 可以得到幽灵鸟宠物 (GameStar刊登)


死亡之柱2寻宝游戏活动奖励 死亡之柱2如何免费领取DLC

死亡之柱2寻宝游戏活动奖励 死亡之柱2如何免费领取DLC



Below are the codes the community has found, listed in order of discovery:

1 BtF6nW - Bestiary Entry 1: Imps (17 Jan)

2 w6Pd2u - Bestiary Entry 2: Rathun (24 Jan)

3 SHbEXB - We are happy to announce... (25 Jan)

4 cCedpo - THQ Nordic mockup of the physical Obsidian Edition (26 Jan)

5 8twCgw - Bestiary Entry 3: Engwithan Titans (31 Jan)

6 BMahh7 - Bestiary Entry 4: Eotens (7 Feb)

7 KFK5Lj - February Press Images - Stone Doorway (Published 5 Feb, also in print)

8 RMaM4A - February Press Images - Entrance Stairway (Published 16 Jan, also in print)

9 XQrdGv - PC Gamer UK/US Cover (March 2018)

10 CoC6eF - Bestiary Entry 5: Rotghast (14 Feb)

11 DeYvu8 - Gamestar M?rz 2018 cover (17 Feb)

12 HTEPbK - Bestiary Entry 6: Naga (21 Feb)

13 25Pwqv - Backer Update 45 (23 Feb)

14 VMTjAb - Bestiary Entry 7: Corrupted Tigers (28 Feb)

15 yJ3BqA - Versus Evil video thumbnail (28 Feb)

16 mfvU5r - Bestiary Entry 8: Constructs (07 Mar)

17 vSKRXA - Bestiary Entry 9: Engwithan Saints (14 Mar)

18 RHh2SA - Obsidian Pedi-cab (20 Mar)

19 3D7mzF - Bestiary Entry 10: Earth Blights (21 Mar)

20 WgE69K - March Press Blitz - Right Balcony (26 Mar)

21 tg2b3r - March Press Blitz - Circular Carpet (26 Mar)

22 KUyE6X - March Press Blitz - Ship Stern (26 Mar)

23 vitshR - March Press Blitz - Left Cell (26 Mar)

24 5Vtwje - March Press Blitz - Furled Sail (26 Mar)

25 EQC3bw - Versus Evil PAX Tweet (28 Mar), Stoic Tweet (08 Apr), Backer Update 46 Tweet (30 Apr)

26 APDPmj - Bestiary Entry 11: Party Time (28 Mar)

27 zdhfFQ - Companion Spotlight: Tekēhu (04 Apr)

28 zvzrSg - PAX East Twitch Stream, Day 1 (06 Apr)

29 hCSjoE - PAX East Twitch Stream, Day 2 (07 Apr)

30 iXncsY - Scavenger Hunt Site (11 Apr)

31 eZ9ywi - Companion Spotlight: Pallegenia (11 Apr)

32 mDjZsK - "Welcome to the Deadfire Explorer's Scavenger Hunt!" Email (11 Apr)

33 3kp5Bi - Companion Spotlight: Serafen (18 Apr)

34 Ksucnw - Community Manager tweet: Aarik (23 Apr)

35 4eVMKu - Instagram Ad 1 (24 Apr)

36 SNGVTh - Instagram Ad 2 (24 Apr)

37 i2MrLF - Companion Spotlight: Aloth (25 Apr)

38 aFJJ8F - Backer Update 46 (30 Apr)

39 6X4EYa - Backer Update 46 (30 Apr)

40 BprrJv - Backer Update 46 (30 Apr)

41 ysRHrs - The World of Eternity tweet (02 May)

42 3UNUbC - Companion Spotlight: Maia Rua (02 May)

43 TjF5if - The power of friendship!

44 UBRYio - The Road To Eternity (04 May)

45 P5swCz - Developer Tweets (04 May)

46 PLmjXG - We can bearly wait (06 May

47 JvD6Sx - Last chance to pre-order (07 May)

48 47KjYc - InXile tweet (08 May)

49 7NLeRW - Deadfire Launch Tweet (08 May)

50 zGckQH - Deadfire FAQ (08 May)

51 UG6Q9Y - Backer Update 47: Launch day (08 May)

51/55 codes found. Everyone should be working on the Sails of Berath by now! Go go go!


关键词:死亡之柱2寻宝游戏活动奖励 死亡之柱2怎样免费领取DLC

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