


[摘要]周四,诺基亚公司的销售和市场负责人Niklas Savander,在Twitter举办一个的问答会。这次活动按计划顺利进行,这里是涵盖的一些题目和答案给概述:  The EVP acknowledg...




  周四,诺基亚公司的销售和市场负责人Niklas Savander,在Twitter举办一个的问答会。这次活动按计划顺利进行,这里是涵盖的一些题目和答案给概述:

  The EVP acknowledged that the long time between product announcements and product releases is “not helping anyone.”

  When asked about the release date of the N8, all that was said was “end of Q3.”

  When asked about meego, he said his company would have, “a major product milestone by the end of the year.”

  When asked about Nokia handsets running Android: “our platform choices (symbian and meego) gives us the best opp to deliver value and of course qt will play key role.”

  When asked about the possibility of partnering with U.S. carrier Sprint to release a handset: “we have no plans at this time.”

  Question: “a fast and reliable OS that I can develop for! Symbian is slow (at the latest after 1y of usage) and developer-hostile!” Answer: “Qt will give you the tools to develop and allow u to address both symbian and meego devices.”



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