[摘要]接上篇) ' 拦截菜单消息 (frmMenu 窗口入口函数)Function MenuWndProc(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal Msg As Long, ByVal...
' 拦截菜单消息 (frmMenu 窗口入口函数)
Function MenuWndProc(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal Msg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Select Case Msg
Case WM_COMMAND ' 单击菜单项
If MyItemInfo(wParam).itemType = MIT_CHECKBOX Then
If MyItemInfo(wParam).itemState = MIS_CHECKED Then
MyItemInfo(wParam).itemState = MIS_UNCHECKED
MyItemInfo(wParam).itemState = MIS_CHECKED
End If
End If
MenuItemSelected wParam
Case WM_EXITMENULOOP ' 退出菜单消息循环(保留)
Case WM_MEASUREITEM ' 处理菜单项高度和宽度
MeasureItem hwnd, lParam
Case WM_MENUSELECT ' 选择菜单项
Dim itemID As Long
itemID = GetMenuItemID(lParam, wParam And &HFF)
If itemID <> -1 Then
MenuItemSelecting itemID
End If
Case WM_DRAWITEM ' 绘制菜单项
DrawItem lParam
End Select
MenuWndProc = CallWindowProc(preMenuWndProc, hwnd, Msg, wParam, lParam)
End Function
' 处理菜单高度和宽度
Private Sub MeasureItem(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lParam As Long)
Dim TextSize As Size, hdc As Long
hdc = GetDC(hwnd)
CopyMemory MeasureInfo, ByVal lParam, Len(MeasureInfo)
If MeasureInfo.CtlType And ODT_MENU Then
MeasureInfo.itemWidth = lstrlen(MyItemInfo(MeasureInfo.itemID).itemText) * (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU) / 2.5) + BarWidth
If MyItemInfo(MeasureInfo.itemID).itemType <> MIT_SEPARATOR Then
MeasureInfo.itemHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU)
MeasureInfo.itemHeight = 6
End If
End If
CopyMemory ByVal lParam, MeasureInfo, Len(MeasureInfo)
ReleaseDC hwnd, hdc
End Sub
' 绘制菜单项
Private Sub DrawItem(ByVal lParam As Long)
Dim hPen As Long, hBrush As Long
Dim itemRect As RECT, barRect As RECT, iconRect As RECT, textRect As RECT
Dim i As Long
CopyMemory DrawInfo, ByVal lParam, Len(DrawInfo)
If DrawInfo.CtlType = ODT_MENU Then
SetBkMode DrawInfo.hdc, TRANSPARENT
' 初始化菜单项矩形, 图标矩形, 文字矩形
itemRect = DrawInfo.rcItem
iconRect = DrawInfo.rcItem
textRect = DrawInfo.rcItem
' 设置菜单附加条矩形
With barRect
.Left = 0
.Top = 0
.Right = BarWidth - 1
For i = 0 To GetMenuItemCount(hMenu) - 1
If MyItemInfo(i).itemType = MIT_SEPARATOR Then
.Bottom = .Bottom + 6
.Bottom = .Bottom + MeasureInfo.itemHeight
End If
Next i
.Bottom = .Bottom - 1
End With
' 设置图标矩形, 文字矩形
If BarStyle <> LBS_NONE Then iconRect.Left = barRect.Right + 2
iconRect.Right = iconRect.Left + 20
textRect.Left = iconRect.Right + 3
With DrawInfo
' 画菜单背景
itemRect.Left = barRect.Right
hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(BkColor)
FillRect .hdc, itemRect, hBrush
DeleteObject hBrush
' 画菜单左边的附加条
Dim RedArea As Long, GreenArea As Long, BlueArea As Long
Dim red As Long, green As Long, blue As Long
Select Case BarStyle
Case LBS_NONE ' 无附加条
hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(BarStartColor)
FillRect .hdc, barRect, hBrush
DeleteObject hBrush
BlueArea = Int(BarEndColor / &H10000) - Int(BarStartColor / &H10000)
GreenArea = (Int(BarEndColor / &H100) And &HFF) - (Int(BarStartColor / &H100) And &HFF)
RedArea = (BarEndColor And &HFF) - (BarStartColor And &HFF)
For i = 0 To BarWidth - 1
red = Int(BarStartColor And &HFF) + Int(i / BarWidth * RedArea)
green = (Int(BarStartColor / &H100) And &HFF) + Int(i / BarWidth * GreenArea)
blue = Int(BarStartColor / &H10000) + Int(i / BarWidth * BlueArea)
hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(red, green, blue))
Call SelectObject(.hdc, hPen)
Call MoveToEx(.hdc, i, 0, 0)
Call LineTo(.hdc, i, barRect.Bottom)
Call DeleteObject(hPen)
Next i
BlueArea = Int(BarEndColor / &H10000) - Int(BarStartColor / &H10000)
GreenArea = (Int(BarEndColor / &H100) And &HFF) - (Int(BarStartColor / &H100) And &HFF)
RedArea = (BarEndColor And &HFF) - (BarStartColor And &HFF)
For i = 0 To barRect.Bottom
red = Int(BarStartColor And &HFF) + Int(i / (barRect.Bottom + 1) * RedArea)
green = (Int(BarStartColor / &H100) And &HFF) + Int(i / (barRect.Bottom + 1) * GreenArea)
blue = Int(BarStartColor / &H10000) + Int(i / (barRect.Bottom + 1) * BlueArea)
hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(red, green, blue))
Call SelectObject(.hdc, hPen)
Call MoveToEx(.hdc, 0, i, 0)
Call LineTo(.hdc, barRect.Right, i)
Call DeleteObject(hPen)
Next i
Case LBS_IMAGE ' 图像
If BarImage.Handle <> 0 Then
Dim barhDC As Long
barhDC = CreateCompatibleDC(GetDC(0))
SelectObject barhDC, BarImage.Handle
BitBlt .hdc, 0, 0, BarWidth, barRect.Bottom - barRect.Top + 1, barhDC, 0, 0, vbSrcCopy
DeleteDC barhDC
End If
End Select
' 画菜单项
If MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemType = MIT_SEPARATOR Then
If MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemType = MIT_SEPARATOR Then
itemRect.Top = itemRect.Top + 2
itemRect.Bottom = itemRect.Top + 1
itemRect.Left = barRect.Right + 5
Select Case SepStyle
Case MSS_NONE ' 无分隔条
Case MSS_DEFAULT ' 默认样式
DrawEdge .hdc, itemRect, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_TOP
Case Else ' 其它
hPen = CreatePen(SepStyle, 0, SepColor)
hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(BkColor)
SelectObject .hdc, hPen
SelectObject .hdc, hBrush
Rectangle .hdc, itemRect.Left, itemRect.Top, itemRect.Right, itemRect.Bottom
DeleteObject hPen
DeleteObject hBrush
End Select
End If
If Not CBool(MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemState And MIS_DISABLED) Then ' 当菜单项可用时
If .itemState And ODS_SELECTED Then ' 当鼠标移动到菜单项时
' 设置菜单项高亮范围
If SelectScope And ISS_ICON_TEXT Then
itemRect.Left = iconRect.Left
ElseIf SelectScope And ISS_TEXT Then
itemRect.Left = textRect.Left - 2
itemRect.Left = .rcItem.Left
End If
' 处理菜单项无图标或为CHECKBOX时的情况
If (MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemType = MIT_CHECKBOX Or MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemIcon = 0) And SelectScope <> ISS_LEFTBAR_ICON_TEXT Then
itemRect.Left = iconRect.Left
End If
' 画菜单项边框
Select Case EdgeStyle
Case ISES_NONE ' 无边框
DrawEdge .hdc, itemRect, BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_RECT
DrawEdge .hdc, itemRect, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_RECT
Case Else ' 其它
hPen = CreatePen(EdgeStyle, 0, EdgeColor)
hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(BkColor)
SelectObject .hdc, hPen
SelectObject .hdc, hBrush
Rectangle .hdc, itemRect.Left, itemRect.Top, itemRect.Right, itemRect.Bottom
DeleteObject hPen
DeleteObject hBrush
End Select
' 画菜单项背景
InflateRect itemRect, -1, -1
Select Case FillStyle
Case ISFS_NONE ' 无背景
BlueArea = Int(FillEndColor / &H10000) - Int(FillStartColor / &H10000)
GreenArea = (Int(FillEndColor / &H100) And &HFF) - (Int(FillStartColor / &H100) And &HFF)
RedArea = (FillEndColor And &HFF) - (FillStartColor And &HFF)
For i = itemRect.Left To itemRect.Right - 1
red = Int(FillStartColor And &HFF) + Int((i - itemRect.Left) / (itemRect.Right - itemRect.Left + 1) * RedArea)
green = (Int(FillStartColor / &H100) And &HFF) + Int((i - itemRect.Left) / (itemRect.Right - itemRect.Left + 1) * GreenArea)
blue = Int(FillStartColor / &H10000) + Int((i - itemRect.Left) / (itemRect.Right - itemRect.Left + 1) * BlueArea)
hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(red, green, blue))
Call SelectObject(.hdc, hPen)
Call MoveToEx(.hdc, i, itemRect.Top, 0)
Call LineTo(.hdc, i, itemRect.Bottom)
Call DeleteObject(hPen)
Next i
BlueArea = Int(FillEndColor / &H10000) - Int(FillStartColor / &H10000)
GreenArea = (Int(FillEndColor / &H100) And &HFF) - (Int(FillStartColor / &H100) And &HFF)
RedArea = (FillEndColor And &HFF) - (FillStartColor And &HFF)
For i = itemRect.Top To itemRect.Bottom - 1
red = Int(FillStartColor And &HFF) + Int((i - itemRect.Top) / (itemRect.Bottom - itemRect.Top + 1) * RedArea)
green = (Int(FillStartColor / &H100) And &HFF) + Int((i - itemRect.Top) / (itemRect.Bottom - itemRect.Top + 1) * GreenArea)
blue = Int(FillStartColor / &H10000) + Int((i - itemRect.Top) / (itemRect.Bottom - itemRect.Top + 1) * BlueArea)
hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(red, green, blue))
Call SelectObject(.hdc, hPen)
Call MoveToEx(.hdc, itemRect.Left, i, 0)
Call LineTo(.hdc, itemRect.Right, i)
Call DeleteObject(hPen)
Next i
hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, FillStartColor)
hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(FillStartColor)
SelectObject .hdc, hPen
SelectObject .hdc, hBrush
Rectangle .hdc, itemRect.Left, itemRect.Top, itemRect.Right, itemRect.Bottom
DeleteObject hPen
DeleteObject hBrush
End Select
' 画菜单项文字
SetTextColor .hdc, TextSelectColor
DrawText .hdc, MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemText, -1, textRect, DT_SINGLELINE Or DT_LEFT Or DT_VCENTER
' 画菜单项图标
If MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemType <> MIT_CHECKBOX Then
DrawIconEx .hdc, iconRect.Left + 2, iconRect.Top + (iconRect.Bottom - iconRect.Top + 1 - 16) / 2, MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemIcon, 16, 16, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL
Select Case IconStyle
Case IIS_NONE ' 无效果
Case IIS_SUNKEN ' 凹进
If MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemIcon <> 0 Then
DrawEdge .hdc, iconRect, BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_RECT
End If
Case IIS_RAISED ' 凸起
If MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemIcon <> 0 Then
DrawEdge .hdc, iconRect, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_RECT
End If
Case IIS_SHADOW ' 阴影
hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(128, 128, 128))
DrawState .hdc, hBrush, 0, MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemIcon, 0, iconRect.Left + 3, iconRect.Top + (iconRect.Bottom - iconRect.Top + 1 - 16) / 2 + 1, 0, 0, DST_ICON Or DSS_MONO
DeleteObject hBrush
DrawIconEx .hdc, iconRect.Left + 1, iconRect.Top + (iconRect.Bottom - iconRect.Top + 1 - 16) / 2 - 1, MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemIcon, 16, 16, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL
End Select
' CHECKBOX型菜单项图标效果
If MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemState And MIS_CHECKED Then
DrawIconEx .hdc, iconRect.Left + 2, iconRect.Top + (iconRect.Bottom - iconRect.Top + 1 - 16) / 2, MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemIcon, 16, 16, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL
End If
End If
Else ' 当鼠标移开菜单项时
' 画菜单项边框和背景(清除)
If BarStyle <> LBS_NONE Then
itemRect.Left = barRect.Right + 1
itemRect.Left = 0
End If
hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(BkColor)
FillRect .hdc, itemRect, hBrush
DeleteObject hBrush
' 画菜单项文字
SetTextColor .hdc, TextEnabledColor
DrawText .hdc, MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemText, -1, textRect, DT_SINGLELINE Or DT_LEFT Or DT_VCENTER
' 画菜单项图标
If MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemType <> MIT_CHECKBOX Then
DrawIconEx .hdc, iconRect.Left + 2, iconRect.Top + (iconRect.Bottom - iconRect.Top + 1 - 16) / 2, MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemIcon, 16, 16, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL
If MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemState And MIS_CHECKED Then
DrawIconEx .hdc, iconRect.Left + 2, iconRect.Top + (iconRect.Bottom - iconRect.Top + 1 - 16) / 2, MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemIcon, 16, 16, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL
End If
End If
End If
Else ' 当菜单项不可用时
' 画菜单项文字
SetTextColor .hdc, TextDisabledColor
DrawText .hdc, MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemText, -1, textRect, DT_SINGLELINE Or DT_LEFT Or DT_VCENTER
' 画菜单项图标
If MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemType <> MIT_CHECKBOX Then
DrawState .hdc, 0, 0, MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemIcon, 0, iconRect.Left + 2, iconRect.Top + (iconRect.Bottom - iconRect.Top + 1 - 16) / 2, 0, 0, DST_ICON Or DSS_DISABLED
If MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemState And MIS_CHECKED Then
DrawState .hdc, 0, 0, MyItemInfo(.itemID).itemIcon, 0, iconRect.Left + 2, iconRect.Top + (iconRect.Bottom - iconRect.Top + 1 - 16) / 2, 0, 0, DST_ICON Or DSS_DISABLED
End If
End If
End If
End If
End With
End If
End Sub
' 菜单项事件响应(单击菜单项)
Private Sub MenuItemSelected(ByVal itemID As Long)
Debug.Print "鼠标单击了:" & MyItemInfo(itemID).itemText
Select Case MyItemInfo(itemID).itemAlias
Case "exit"
Dim frm As Form
For Each frm In Forms
Unload frm
End Select
End Sub
' 菜单项事件响应(选择菜单项)
Private Sub MenuItemSelecting(ByVal itemID As Long)
Debug.Print "鼠标移动到:" & MyItemInfo(itemID).itemText
End Sub
看完这个系列的文章后,我想你应该已经对采用物主绘图技术的自绘菜单有了一定的了解,再看看MS Office 2003的菜单,其实也没什么难的嘛。
该程序在Windows XP、VB6下调试通过。